This is a deep dive into the mystery of your body - the wisdom it holds, the ancient stories, the memory and the magic.

This is our underworld journey.


The underworld is your subconscious, the subterranean, the womb, the forest, the underbelly, the club and speakeasy.

It’s the place where you free yourself.


To unlock the pathway to orgasm and awaken electric sensation we must create a clearing.


The orgasmic body is free and able to relax and flow. We can all do this - we were born this way. But life happens and things change. Emotions might feel stuck, self judgement or fear set into the body. We stop flowing, feeling and relaxing. We get busy overdoing or trying hard to please and we lose it - it becomes harder to feel.

That’s why we need to descend and create a clearing - so we can return to flow and claim back what is naturally ours.

The Descent is a mythical journey into the things we keep hidden in the dark - our cervix, our inner world, our shadows and our unbridled pleasure. The things that have been lost or disowned, we claim back.


If you find you get stuck in your head during sex, experience low sexual pleasure, pain or you just want to raise the ceiling on your orgasmic potential, rather than working harder for pleasure...


... it's time to de-armour, release and descend.

Are you ready to awaken the channel and release the currents of orgasm?


For orgasm, we want a body that is aligned to its most original nature.

The path of expansion is never done. Plus, the method offered in this programme is for life. Like yoga for your vagina and cervix. We teach you how to keep your cervix and vagina agile, fluid and in balance, no matter what stage of life you’ve in.

We use fingers, a wand and our love to coax the body open, to release it from energetic and physical binds. 

This experience is for you if you want to:

 ✔ Learn our reliable method for releasing internal tension and blockages that stand in the way of you and deep orgasmic states.

✔  Learn to create safety for yourself in order to receive and surrender.

✔ Experience deeper states of orgasm but you’re not sure how to clear tension or overcome the numbness that stands in the way.

✔  Have more internal sensitivity and responsiveness to sex with a lover that is deep and blissful.

✔  De-Armour your vulva, clitoris, vagina, cervix & breasts and clear the space for more pleasure.


The journey into the underworld...

This is a heroine's journey. We venture into the unknown, we work through the centres of the body. We de-armour and clear space for the vagus nerve to transmit information and energy from the cervix to the brain.

"This program is very well researched and dramatically meaningful for anyone looking to gain deeper understanding of their body, personal safety, pleasure, trust and profound connection."


– Erika Bauer – Certified Eating Psychology Coach & Sexual Health Counsellor

Your Journey


We'll release tension and clear emotional and physical blocks between your cervix and crown by entering into the dark and engaging with the shadow. We’ll create the safety to de-armour so that you’re more available to receive pleasure. 

This also involves exploring the mental/emotional realm.


  • Set the foundation through nervous system attunement and embodiment to prepare you for your journey.
  • De-armour and release your vulva and clitoris for more sensation.
  • Enter the temple and de-armour your vagina and cervix.
  • Awaken the pathway of the vagus nerve through the core.
  • De-armour your throat to awaken the throat-cervix connection.
  • Understand how to be with rage, resistance or any emotions you might usually repress.
  • Learn an effective technique for clearing emotional blocks as well as physical.
  • Lay to rest the parts of you that are no longer needed before returning to the world renewed.

You will learn the secrets of how to unlock your body for cervical orgasm and pleasure. 

This is a three month deep dive. It includes:


  • The 5 Initiations
  • The Foundations of Cervical Orgasm
  • Full spectrum de-armouring
  • Live opening circle with special guests
  • 3 x guest classes
  • 11 x classes
  • 8 x audio journeys
  • 2 breathwork journeys
  • First touch ritual
  • Dance ritual
  • Manifesting activation

Your support includes 3 monthly deepening calls and a private telegram group, where you’ll receive coaching.


The Descent journey includes live coaching via Telegram, three monthly deepening classes as well as three months of curriculum:


1. The 5 Initiations

Explore the dimensions of practice -  mind, body, heart, soul with a Q&A. 


2. The Foundations of Cervical Orgasm

Fundamental tools for embodiment, nervous system attunement and connecting with the cervix.


3. The Descent: De-Armouring for Cervical Orgasm

Full spectrum curriculum de-armouring the sexual and emotional body.


PLUS Guest Classes by:

Maya Luna - Sacred Rage

Carly Rae - Womb Alignment 

Susanne Roursgaard - Full Spectrum De-Armouring Session



" Olivia has created a beautifully safe container for this powerful work. In feeling so lovingly held I was able to connect with myself more deeply, softly and sensuously than ever before, and to experience pleasure and bliss I had believed were possible but had felt were not quite accessible to me.


Through the informative videos, gorgeously guided practices and the many other amazing resources, including the ongoing and accessible support of Olivia and the other women journeying alongside me, I was able to gently de-armour and meet my cervix as a blissful centre of being. ”


– Kate

Hear what these beauties have to say!



Hi, I'm Olivia

In 2015, a Tantric bodyworker had his finger on my cervix. What I didn’t realise was that my cervix would become the focus of the session. I also didn’t realise that this session would change the course of my life.

There, on a hot day in Bali, I discovered my cervix was numb. As a sexologist and sex nerd, I knew the cervix to be a powerful place of pleasure so I was determined to transform it. After eight months of work, play and exploration, my cervix began to feel and my orgasmic capacity shifted tremendously.

Over time, I’ve developed a unique system and pathway for Cervical Awakening and orgasm that you can only learn here.

Today, I’m joined by thousands of other women who are all interested in healing, learning and exploring the powerful and magical gateway of the cervix. May your cervixes be the portals of bliss they were made to be.

I hope to see you inside.


Join The Descent

  • 3 Monthly live deepening classes
  • Live opening circle with special guests
  • 25 Hours of class material and 15 deep audio journeys.
  • 12 months access, with the option to extend.
  • Online support via Telegram.
  • Please choose carefully, no refunds available.

Pay at Once





Payment Plan


Monthly for 6 months



We're offering local currency pricing in AUD for Australian & New Zealand residents. Email us with proof of your address at [email protected]