Meeting her cervix with your presence is the holy grail of new paradigm lovemaking.  



Her cervix is the epi-centre of her deepest orgasmic potential. When handled with mastery, you will feel like an absolute king.  

If you:

  • Know deep down that there is more to sex than you’re experiencing
  • Worry that you need to be hard for long periods of time or perform in bed
  • Feel largely uninformed when it comes to really understanding the nuances of her cervix and cervical orgasm
  • Want to find a new way of exploring sacred sexuality that does not involve force and pressure


If you:

  • Want longer lasting, more connective, deeper and intimate sex

  • Want multiple, ongoing orgasms of your own

  • Would like to become comfortable and empowered in understanding the nuances of her cervix and cervical orgasm

  • Want to find a new way of exploring sacred sexuality that will leave you both deeply satisfied



If this is you, you’re not alone!

So many men are hearing the call and are wanting to elevate to the next level to become masterful, informed and skilled lovers of her cervix - the epi-centre of her orgasmic awakening.

This is a whole new world -- a whole new way of doing things

You will love it. And you will never be the same.

Here are just a few of the benefits:  

Getting in touch with her cervix and learning to make love at the next level will:

  • Energise you and inspire you into deeper purpose
  • Increase your self confidence and self esteem
  • Increase physical, emotional and spiritual awareness of yourself, your lover and others
  • Settle your nervous system
  • Lead to a general feeling of self satisfaction 
  • Create a full connection to your body
  • Create less desire for unhealthy/unhelpful external stimulus 
  • Increase your openness to further explorations with your lover

 This kind of sex is not about outcomes, pressure, performing or even pleasing (though you will - but not by trying harder or working harder) You don’t have to worry about your size or hardness.

When you open the door to this world you will learn how to travel deeper into sexual union through mastering embodied practise and energetics. 

You will be able to hold her and hold yourself to optimise the safety in the space for her fully surrender, leading to greater connection and better orgasms for both of you

Her cervix will receive you and nourish you… and her in magical ways.


Hey, I’m Olivia. 

For most of the last decade I’ve been taking women through a journey of Cervical Awakening - this means, helping them become more conscious of their cervix, teaching them how to access cervical pleasure and the highest form of orgasmic awakening. 


I have worked with thousands of women and heard every story.
I have become the global expert in Cervical Awakening and I’m here to share what I know with you.


If you’re ready to take your connection, pleasure and relationship to the next level, I’m so happy you’re here…you are about to open up to a whole new world.


Becoming aware of her cervix in a very deep way and awakening to your own capacity to feel will change your life in more ways than just the bedroom.


As I’ve partnered with men and taught them the ways of the cervix, I’ve watched them rise in purpose and confidence and transform sexually and open to a whole new erotic language that is wholly satisfying. 


I am ready to pass this knowledge and transformation to you.


I know through this work your connection with your woman will become even deeper and more meaningful as you learn how to meet her heart and cervix in profound ways.
You will awaken her heart to more love and receive more of her beauty.
Making love with new depth becomes the norm. 


This does not mean you can’t have conventional sex. 


You will be shown a new way and given more tools to increase your capacity in the bedroom.


The cervix is still the most misunderstood part of the female body - in fact most women still do not know they have a powerhouse of orgasm inside of them so once you have this knowledge, you will be ahead of the game. 



Drew Lawson

My journey working with the cervix over the last 15 years, in both my professional bodywork sessions and privately with my partners, has been one of the most profound teachings on grace, sensitivity, presence and humility.

The less that I do, the more that happens.

I receive a deeper understanding each time of how necessary it is to drop performance and ego, and surrender into the witness, holding space for the cervix to trust, and if she chooses to, awaken. It is truly a sacred experience of divine union with another. Consciousness and energy in an alchemical dance. 

In Module Two I will be guiding men to bring greater awareness and sensitivity to their own bodily experience, to cultivate a deeper capacity to feel more sensation, to more clearly sense the downward current in their bodies, and through de-armouring massage, to dissolve numbness, blockages and old patterns in their pelvic floor and nervous systems.

Luke Di Sessa

I have devoted the last six years to a transformative journey of personal growth and self-discovery, focusing on men’s work. I've facilitated numerous programs that guide men to explore deeper aspects of themselves, allowing them to transform their shame and trauma into gold—discovering their gifts and purpose. This process fosters a more complete version of themselves, leading to greater happiness and deeper connections with partners, families, and communities.

My work highlights the importance of emotional intelligence and awareness, encouraging open communication and understanding in intimate relationships. By creating a safe space for men to share their experiences, I empower them to cultivate self-knowledge, courage, and inner strength.

Now, I invite men to join me in this online space for awakening, where they can embark on their own journeys of self-discovery, healing, and connection—facilitating profound transformations and deeper intimacy in all relationships, including the deeply humbling work with the cervix.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to touch her body and cervix with extraordinary presence
  • How to release the tension and holding in her cervix and vagina 
  • How to read her body and encourage all forms of communication
  • How to make love with her so that her cervix has a chance to awaken with you - an experience that will nourish you both 
  • How to open up to subtle energy and the core energetics of this work
  • How to become the space of safety for her surrender

Start your journey for $229


Creating Containment and  Deep Sensual Presence

(taught by experienced male teachers)

Month 1

November - Embodying Consciousness & The Descending Current Of Orgasm

  • Content drop - audio practises with Olivia 
  • Live call with Luke
  • Live call with Olivia

Month 2

December - Becoming receptive so you can feel her

  • Content drop with Drew and Olivia
  • Live call with Luke 
  • Live call with Drew

Cervical Awakening Mastery

Month 3

January - Making Deep Contact with her Cervix

  • Content drop by Olivia
  • Live call with Luke
  • Live call with Olivia

Month 4

February - Her Pleasure, Her Heart

  • Content drop by Olivia
  • Live call with Olivia

Lovemaking and Energetics

Month 5

March - Deepening Energetics

  • Contact drop by Olivia
  • Live call with Olivia

Month 6

April - Cervical Awakening and Lovemaking

  • Contact drop by Olivia
  • Live call with Olivia

Each month you’ll receive:

  • Pre-recorded material to work through at your own pace at the beginning of each month
  • Practises to complete for that month 
  • A monthly deepening class on that months topic with Olivia and guests
  • Community support and interaction through Telegram


  • At least 3 gatherings with other men in the course to share and discuss deeper layers of the journey specific to men - led by Luke Di Sessa
  • Art of Touch workshop with Robyn Dalzen (Founder, school of consent)
  • Boy Meets Man, Man Meets Cervix workshop

You know your woman is powerful and you are captivated by it. You want to meet her, hold her, be catapulted into your own actualisation through contacting the magic of the cervix.


Now is your chance


Payment Plan


Per Month For 6 Months


Pay For 12 Months


12 Month's Access